

in the ferns

smoke bin
Instagram - @francesmarr

Smoke firing, its close contact with earth and fire and forms emerging from glowing embers, had Frances hooked from her first experience of it.

The slow hand building technique she uses, allows her time and space for improvisation, but It is the chance working of carbon on the surfaces of her works that Frances exploits to create their timeless quality.

Based near Salisbury, Wiltshire, she shows work across the South of England and in Cumbria.

For further information, please contact Frances here

Member of the Hampshire and Berkshire Guild of Craftsmen

New Art Centre - The Artist's House
The Art of making - Sir Harold Hillier Gardens with the Hampshire and Berkshire Guild of Craftsmen

New Art Centre - The Artist's House
Precarious - A collaboration with Carolyn Marr at the RSPB Gallery, Geltsdale Nature Reserve, Cumbria

Work of the Week - New Art Centre, Roche Court
Crafted - Willis Museum Basingstoke
Messums Creative - Summer smoke firing course

Explore making - Stockbridge with Hampshire & Berkshire Guild of Craftsmen
Linescapes - Salisbury Arts Centre
Messums Creative - Summer smoke firing course

Experiment! - Arts Council funded project with Carolyn Marr and Lucia Tambini at Florence Arts Centre, Cumbria

Contemporary Ceramics Fair - The Hepworth Wakefield
Explore Making - Stockbridge with Hampshire & Berkshire Guild of Craftsmen

Heart, Head and Hand - Salisbury Arts Centre
Explore Making - Stockbridge with Hampshire & Berkshire Guild of Craftsmen
Linescapes - Front Room, Brampton, Cumbria
Rural - Studio 53

Explore Making - Stockbridge with Hampshire & Berkshire Guild of Craftsmen
Linescapes - with Carolyn Marr RSPB Gallery Geltsdale Nature Reserve, Cumbria
Ground 4 - Florence Arts Centre, Cumbria
Whitchurch Silk Mill - with Hampshire & Berkshire Guild of Craftsmen
Hand Building & Smoke-fired Ceramics course - The Moulin, Bergerac

Romsey Abbey and Rum's Eg - Dissolution & Revolution
Studio 53 - North Meets South

Salisbury Arts Centre Open Ceramic Exhibition
Brighton Open House - with Sylph Baier
Rum's Eg - Featured 3D Artist, Romsey
Work at Roche Court Educational Trust, New Art Centre

smoke fired work is unglazed and for decorative use

Flint II